Sun Tech Painting – An Ahwatukee / Phoenix Area Painter
Customers Enjoy Quality Service. Sun Tech Painting delivers a combination of quality workmanship and customer service. We’re committed to meeting the needs of every customer we work for!
602.625.0599 Call for Commercial or residential Exterior Painting
One of our goal is to provide a Beautiful Exterior Paint Job Residential or Commercial
Our first step is Preparation
Environmentally-friendly detergent or bleach is used to remove dirt & mildew as required
Delicate areas are hand-washed
Loose paint chips are cleaned up
House is given time to dry
Full scrape to remove all loose and peeling paint
All bare areas are primed
Glossy areas are scuff-sanded to ensure that finish coat bonds strongly
Cracked, loose and missing caulking around doors and windows will be replaced
The next step is Painting
Drop cloths are used at all times to prevent any drips or spills
Full finish coat(s) applied by Brush and/or Rollers to ensure proper coverage & finish
Second coat is available upon request or when specified by the contract
Premium Paint from Dunn Edwards
Clean Up
Performed daily and upon completion of the job
Plant beds cleaned and paint chips removed
Touch-up paint is labeled & left with the customer
Outdoor fixtures & furniture left as we found them
First our crew will do a final inspection on their own to ensure that all work is complete as agreed on the contract, that there are not any touch ups and that all cleanup is complete
Second the crew will ask the customer to inspect the job and any areas of concern will be noted
Once all areas are completed to customer satisfaction we ask for a customer to sign off on the job as to its completeness and submit the final payment
We strive to create the best possible experience for our Ahwatukee Exterior Painting Customers, from the sale to the final walk-through. We deeply value every relationship we create with our customers, and pride ourselves in our exceptional work and customer satisfaction. Whether you are looking for commercial or residential exterior painting, simply call us to Schedule your free estimate today!
Discover the advantages of a professional Ahwatukee Exterior Painting company.